Recognized as the gold standard of excellence in co-op & internships.
Cooperative Education is a partnership between higher education institutions and industries that formalizes the experiential education process as ongoing. Co-op alternates or combines periods of academic study and work experience in appropriate fields. Co-op provides students with compensation from the employer. Each participating student’s performance is evaluated by both the institution and employer. Co-op provides each student with some form of transcript academic credit.
Academic Internships involve work experiences that are episodic academic experiences to meet faculty specifications for experiential learning. An academic internship offers internships of a specified duration. Each participating student’s performance is evaluated by both the institution and employer. Quality academic internships are those that allow students to learn more about their field of interest through observation and direct participation in a job setting and ideally leads to networking opportunities.
Get Started

Download Application of Intent

Complete the Self-Study, Profile Data Sheet, and Affirmation of facts forms

Send completed documents to the Vice Chair of Accreditation.
The Vice Chair will create a review team beyond receiving documents. You will coordinate with the Team Leader to find a convenient time for your site visit. Accreditation is valid for six years from the time in which it is granted by the ACCI Council.
Application of Intent must be submitted by February 15th. The Accreditation process is designed to be completed within a six-month period.